Transform: iQueue User Group Meeting 2024 Questionnaire
First Name
Last Name
Please provide your flight information for the event: (required)
What airline are you arriving on?
What is your arriving flight number?
What date do you arrive in Chicago?
What time do you arrive in Chicago?
What airline are you departing on?
What is your departing flight number?
What date do you depart from Chicago?
What time do you depart from Chicago?
Do you have any allergies/food restrictions? (required)
If yes, please provide more details.
What evening events do you plan on attending? (required)
UGM Welcome Reception, Monday evening
Transform Closing Dinner, Tuesday evening
Are you interested in being interviewed about your experience with iQueue and results your health system has achieved? (required)
What are you hoping to get out of this event? (optional)
© 2024 LeanTaaS
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