iQueue Highlight: Executive Summary tool relieves the reporting burden on infusion managers

  • Senior Product Manager, iQueue for Infusion Centers

In response to a long-time and now urgent customer need, iQueue for Infusion Centers has launched a feature to quickly and compellingly incorporate an infusion center’s deep lake of operational data into a single ongoing digital performance report. The Executive Summary feature is now live and available for all users of iQueue for Infusion Centers. As of January 13th, 2022, more than 450 infusion centers across the U.S. gained the ability to monitor the health of their facilities at key points of time, through 15 operational metrics with more to come, with a glance at their computer or mobile device. Although the tool had already been in beta testing for months, the timing of the launch proved perfect. 

Amid the many other challenges and responsibilities that were exacerbated by recent waves of COVID, including severely reduced staffing and higher patient acuity caused by deferred care, infusion center managers must still regularly produce executive-level reports to update their leaders on their center’s performance against its goals. Leaders and managers need these to make strategic decisions, identify or bypass potential operational issues, navigate staffing challenges, and protect vulnerable patients. But creating reports that actually provide useful, relevant, and actionable information, for executives who usually oversee several centers at one time, is harder than it sounds. 

Infusion managers lack a single platform that pulls data together and analyzes it. Instead, they typically spend hours each month manually combing through different sources to find the right data, doing an analysis, then producing homemade insights. Without readily visible goals, these insights may not align with the answers leaders need to make decisions and take action. Reports may also be no longer relevant by the time they are prepared. The process is stressful and time consuming, prone to errors, and distracts from other urgent work the managers need to focus on. 

Even with a smart analytics solution like iQueue for Infusion Centers in place, managers formerly struggled to source data from multiple pages each month to produce actionable, leadership-ready reports. They need to be able to instantly visualize and track their center’s operational goals. iQueue’s Executive Summary tool for infusion centers now automates this manual task and generates reports that measure against the center’s or network of centers’ unique definition of success. 

Executive Summary generates accurate reports on a regular basis

The Executive Summary homescreen shows a snapshot of infusion center performance in key categories

In a single view, iQueue’s Executive Summary report gives a high-level overview of how infusion centers are performing against their unique operational KPIs, such as volume of services performed or compliance to scheduling templates. Managers can customize the goals displayed in the tool according to their center’s priorities, so that reports will offer exactly the performance information executives need to see. 

Users can designate goal metrics for Executive Summary reports to measure against

Executive Summary allows infusion nursing and operations managers, who previously struggled for hours or days to generate comprehensive reports, to both produce easy-to-digest yet actionable reports within minutes and engage with their executives on timely data that truly matters to them. Busy executives can see the results in key operational categories, which iQueue calls “Pillars of Excellence”, that give a holistic view of the business performance overall: Cost, Growth, Quality, Staff Metrics, and Patient Experience. They can also drill down into each of these categories in more detail to see the relevant metrics driving results over a designated time period. 

An Executive Summary drilldown screen shows Growth metrics across the network of infusion centers an executive leads

The benefits of using Executive Summary 

The Executive Summary tool’s display of goals and metrics makes tracking progress simple for managers and executives. Infusion leaders at all levels can use the tool to compare units and date ranges, tracking changes in performance over time. They can be aligned on their network’s definition of success, see how centers’ operational metrics are trending toward or away from overall goals, and be unified in taking the right action to improve or sustain their results. This is helped by users receiving regular emails displaying relevant reports.

An Executive Summary email shows critical trends at a glance

Infusion managers who have been using Executive Summary prior to its wide launch already see the value. One user saves several hours of work per month, which they used to spend pulling data for reports from their EHR. Others describe how the tool makes key trends in their center easy to track, understand, and share with others via email, and cite the importance of keeping overall goals visible to all. Not only are managers able to share requested reports with their executives, but they have used the data to justify hiring decisions and set actionable goals for their own nurse managers. 

Overall, Executive Summary provides valuable support to infusion leaders, empowering them to engage with their center’s performance while drastically reducing the time and stress that arises from manual reporting. For a detailed walkthrough,  see our latest webinar on the feature, from the Transform Winter 2021 event.

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