At the LeanTaaS Transform Summer 2022 event, KLAS Research Director Niel Oscarson and LeanTaaS Vice President of Client Services Ashley Walsh presented an overview of KLAS’ recent Spotlight Report on satisfaction among users of iQueue for Operating Rooms and LeanTaaS’ performance as a healthcare technology partner. For a deeper dive, view the full conversation here.
Accommodating varied surgical demand with fixed supply of assets: about iQueue for Operating Rooms
A healthcare technology company that specializes in optimizing scarce hospital assets, LeanTaaS partners with almost 50 healthcare systems to improve efficiency in over 3,000 operating rooms (ORs) across the US. Using the data collected by any EHR, our iQueue for Operating Rooms solution helps forecast the optimal schedules that make the best use of surgeon and staff time, and create the most access to rooms and critical surgical resources such as robots.
As an example, even looking at only five surgeons in an OR’s given service line, we will see some surgeons are performing many cases in a given week, while others have not performed any cases. With this variation multiplied across multiple service lines, ORs of any size and scope face a level of stochasticity that is impossible to predict manually across the next week, let alone the next year. Surgical staff, hospital leaders, and the surgeons need AI-level analytics to understand and manage both present and future use of the OR.
Throughout ORs and in many possible settings, including academic medical centers, community hospitals, and tertiary care centers, and serving an accordingly diverse range of patient populations, iQueue for Operating Rooms balances the stochastic and unpredictable demand for surgical services with the fixed supply of assets and space available to accommodate it. It also aligns with existing OR workflows to support improved operations, including OR scheduling and exchange of surgical block time.
LeanTaaS has seen consistently strong operational results across our iQueue for Operating Rooms customers. But we chose to partner with a neutral third party, KLAS, to hear the unfiltered perspective of customers themselves and explore KPIs we might not normally focus on. We also hoped to learn more about what drove our OR customers’ success, and find opportunities to improve our product, delivery, and support.
Showcasing honest responses from engaged customers: About KLAS and the Spotlight Report
KLAS is dedicated to its mission of improving the delivery of healthcare technology and services and conducts direct research with active healthcare technology users about their experiences. KLAS reports aim to help hospitals and other healthcare providers make informed decisions about which services to invest in, based on unbiased input from equivalent current customers – a critical resource that is difficult to find elsewhere. Technology and service providers can also analyze and respond to their customers’ reactions.
KLAS builds its reports from in-depth conversations with customers, ranking satisfaction with different aspects of a healthcare service on a scale of one-to-nine and including qualitative feedback as well. The newly established KLAS Spotlight Reports feature early-stage technologies in particular.
After interacting with the LeanTaaS team at HIMSS 2022, KLAS’ Niel Oscarson became interested in featuring an iQueue solution and its customers. After a process involving KLAS speaking with a range of iQueue users directly, inviting honest feedback, the KLAS Spotlight Report on iQueue for Operating Rooms was published on June 3, 2022. As usual, the report featured exactly what the KLAS team discovered in their conversations, with all flaws and weak points included and no embellishments or meaningful revisions to the strengths.
Highlights of the KLAS Spotlight Report on iQueue for Operating Rooms
1. iQueue for Operating Rooms exceeds expectations
Responders to KLAS reports tend to show at best moderate enthusiasm for the healthcare solutions they are using. Frequently they adopt these to fulfill a basic functional need rather than actively create positive change in the organization. The best results these customers hope for is that the solution delivers on the bare minimum of what it promises.
In contrast, iQueue for Operating Rooms customers, reported through their words and their scores that the solution delivered a truly high level performance that impressed and excited them. Across 20 customer interviews, iQueue users reiterated their positive responses. All 20 declared if given the choice, they would buy iQueue again. One vice president called iQueue and LeanTaaS “the best product, the best value proposition, the best service, and the best support I’ve had.” Compared to Best in KLAS software segment winners, who tend to score performance ratings between 87 and 98, LeanTaaS achieved a KLAS score of 96.5
2. As a true healthcare technology partner, LeanTaaS delivers fast and continual results
Many customers reporting into KLAS describe spotty results from the products they are using, and assume this was due to their own failure to adopt the solution properly or with sufficient speed. The process of implementing a new healthcare solution among a diverse user base is often long, slow, and challenging, as well as prone to problems that are difficult to identify and solve. 95% of LeanTaaS customers, however, described achieving operational and financial outcomes from iQueue for Operating Rooms in their first six months of use, a period of time in which most implementations and training are still ongoing.
One reason customers gave for this is LeanTaaS’ consistent role as a true technology partner, delivering high quality service and support throughout the implementation. This enabled customers to seek solutions to training and user issues, and adapt the product to suit their needs, in real time. Surgical customers successfully made iQueue their own, strengthened their workflows instead of disrupting them, and targeted their unique challenges to achieve results right away.
3. The greatest growth opportunity is faster innovation and further delivery of operating room optimization
A main reason the LeanTaaS team agreed to engage with KLAS was to see our customers’ unfiltered feedback and learn the best ways we could improve their experience and results. We wanted to use this information to guide our innovations in the most helpful and impactful directions.
The consensus of this feedback was to highlight areas in which we are already growing as a product team, and to ask us to innovate and deliver in those areas more quickly. It is heartening to know our customers are satisfied with the results we have helped achieve so far, and that they want us to continue on the same course, only at a faster pace.
Visit here to view the entire KLAS Spotlight Report, here to learn more about iQueue for Operating Rooms, and here to hear the full conversation between Ashley Walsh and Niel Oscarson.