Becker’s 12th Annual Meeting – highlighting health system capacity management success

On April 26, 2022, as part of the upcoming Becker’s Hospital Review 12th Annual Meeting, LeanTaaS will present a special half-day Transform event. Our experts will partner with health system leaders to discuss the inroads we have made in optimizing capacity during a time when expanding healthcare access with minimal cost is especially critical.

The event will feature a conversation with LeanTaaS CEO Mohan Giridharadas offering “Perspectives on Optimizing Asset Utilization in Healthcare”, along with a session from COO Sanjeev Agrawal outlining how to “Increase ROI Through AI: Unlocking Scarce Capacity”. These talks will address the fundamental challenges that are truly blocking health systems from gaining full and useful access to the assets they already have, and then the benefits of using high-level analytics to solve capacity constraints. 

A further three sessions from leading health systems will highlight the capacity management strategies they undertook, and the successful outcomes they saw in increasing patient volumes, relieving burdened staff, and overall doing more with the resources they already had. These include: 

  • Digital Transformation of Patient Throughput: Aligning People, Process and Technology (UCHealth) 

Speaker: Jamie Nordhagen, MS, RN, NEA-BC, Director of Capacity Management and Patient Representatives, UCHealth

In managing a large and diverse patient population, front line inpatient bed staff at Colorado-based integrated care network UCHealth struggled to predict discharges and admissions, uncover bottlenecks, and place the right patients in the right beds. Implementing iQueue for Inpatient Beds to help support these capacity management tasks was key, but ensuring the technology was ingrained logically as part of the staff’s workflow was just as critical. 

By utilizing predictive analytics through a “virtual distributed capacity command center”, UCHealth reduced time to place by 16% and time to transfer from the ICU by 65%. 

  • How Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Slashed Patient Wait Times by 30%

Speaker: Cody C. Stansel MSN, RN, NE-BC, OCN, CMSRN, Interim Director, Nursing, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

Without the powerful analytics needed to coordinate the many factors involved in scheduling infusion appointments, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC) lacked the resources to increase capacity. The center experienced the typical pain points of high patient wait times, unmanageable midday peaks in volume, and burnt out nurses who could not take lunch breaks. 

By adopting iQueue for Infusion CentersVICC achieved a nearly 30% decrease in patient chair wait time and a 20% decrease in drug wait time at its largest infusion center. VICC also created scheduling templates that level-loaded appointment demand across the day, ensuring predictable workloads and breaks for nurses. 

  • Rush University Medical Center deploys data to break barriers to operating room utilization

Speaker: Alena Shelton, Director of Business Operations, Perioperative and Interventional Services, Rush University Medical Center

Perioperative leaders at Rush University Medical Center (RUMC) were challenged to make operating room time more accessible. To address issues in operating room scheduling and utilization, they needed to foster a standardized approach to operational decision-making with a visible and transparent “single source of truth” of data. In their process of adopting a culture of data transparency and metric standardization, RUMC implemented iQueue for Operating Rooms and reaped the benefits of transparent data, defensible metrics, powerful visualizations and easy-to-use analytics tools built into workflows. 

While the VICC and RUMC sessions are scheduled simultaneously as break-out sessions, all will be made available as virtual recordings so that attendees interested in a session they missed will still be able to view it. Those who are unable to attend the Becker’s Annual Meeting in person, or join the LeanTaaS Transform event during that time, will also have access to these in the future. 

To learn more about this subevent of Becker’s 12th Annual Meeting, visit here.

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