How One Baylor Scott & White Medical Center Facility Helped Make Timely and Confident Strategic Decisions to Improve OR Block Utilization by 30%


Ashley Larsen, MSN, BSN, RN, CNOR
Ashley Larsen, MSN, BSN, RN, CNOR
Director of Surgical Services Baylor Scott & White Health Medical Center of McKinney
Alex Williams
Account Manager, LeanTaaS


For most healthcare systems, optimized operating room utilization has a significant positive impact on revenue. The key to achieving full OR utilization is access to accurate, timely, and transparent data across the system. 

In the midst of a competitive market that made strong utilization essential, Baylor Scott & White Health Medical Center of McKinney struggled with inaccurate OR data and a lack of standardization, driven by a time-consuming manual reporting system. Without a unified and transparent source of data, the organization was unable to make strategic operational decisions. 

To solve for these challenges, Baylor Scott & White Health Medical Center of McKinney adopted LeanTaaS’ AI-powered iQueue for Operating Rooms. iQueue provided a “single source of truth” for credible OR utilization data and standardized metrics that all stakeholders could easily access. The technology also offered tools to streamline OR scheduling processes, helping OR stakeholders take action to fully utilize OR rooms and block time based on the information the tool offered. 

Join Baylor Scott & White Health Medical Center of McKinney’s Director of Surgical Services to learn the benefits of gaining access to timely and accurate data in order to support strategic operational decisions in a competitive marketplace.

Viewers of this webinar will be able to: 

  • Describe the barriers associated with relying on EHR generated OR performance reports when making strategic operational decisions
  • Explain the benefits of gaining access to credible and timely data in order to grow surgical market share in a competitive landscape
  • Learn how their organization can deploy AI technology to streamline processes and build a data-driven culture across the system


30%Increase in block utilization
33%Increase in prime time utilization
57% More cases filling block time released via iQueue
I can tell you the average end time for our day isn’t 11:00 PM now, it’s 7:00 PM. This data doesn’t even show how much more engaged our surgeons are. Our physicians are happier, and that’s huge. That alone is a big impact on volume.
Ashley Larsen, MSN, BSN, RN, CNOR
Director of Surgical Services, Baylor Scott & White Health Medical Center of McKinney

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