How Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Slashed Patient Wait Times by 30%


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Cody C. Stansel MSN, RN, NE-BC, OCN, CMSRN
Administrative Director, Nursing, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center


Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC) had the desire to expand patient capacity in its infusion centers, but seemingly lacked the resources to do so. VICC experienced common operational pain points such as consistently high infusion patient wait times, up to two hours and often longer, especially at the midday peak between 10:00 AM-2:00 PM each day. Nurses were often forced to miss lunch breaks and work excessive overtime, undergoing constant daily stress. Besides managing these to help better leverage the capacity that already existed, VICC had to balance oncology and non-oncology capacity among its infusion facilities. 

To address these issues, LeanTaaS’ advanced analytics solution iQueue for Infusion Centers was implemented at three VICC infusion centers in 2019. The iQueue tools enabled stakeholders to view key operational data, build scheduling templates that accounted for the needs of both nurses and patients, and grow volume by fully utilizing the capacity centers already had. 

In this session, join leaders from both the VICC and LeanTaaS teams to learn how the partnership allowed infusion centers to grow  and improved both staff and clinician experiences. 

Viewers of this webinar will be able to: 

  • Understand the common pain points experienced by infusion centers, including high patient wait times, limited capacity, midday peaks, and staff burnout
  • Explain the benefits of implementing iQueue for Infusion Centers, including decreased patient chair wait times and drug wait times, as well as optimized scheduling templates to level-load appointment demand
  • Discover how the partnership between a health system and a technology expert led to the ability to address the health system’s pain points, improve staff and clinician experiences, and achieve key metrics


30%Decrease in in chair wait time
27%Decrease in drug wait time, or the time between patient check-in and rooming
8%Increase in patient volumes, using the same number of chairs as before
It’s a very impressive amount of growth, and amount of volume we’ve added at this one infusion center, thanks to having the iQueue system in place.
Cody C. Stansel, MSN, RN, NE-BC, OCN, CMSRN
Administrative Director of Nursing Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

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