The University of Kansas Cancer Center (KU Cancer Center) is a National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center providing infusion services to 13,000 patients annually at six locations. KU Cancer Center adopted a lean methodology in 2015 and maintains this approach to continually expand its scope and quality toward full cancer center optimization. In 2019, the cancer center directed its lean principles toward optimizing its large infusion value stream, and began to implement LeanTaaS’ AI-powered technology solution iQueue for Infusion Centers to further support this initiative.
In this session, KU Cancer Center’s Quality and Performance Improvement Manager describes how his team was able to implement the iQueue for Infusion Centers software by leveraging the lean management system the health system had previously established. This enabled the cancer center to significantly lower the time of iQueue deployment, more quickly meeting additional patient demands, flattening midday peaks, and reducing patient wait times.
Learn how KU Cancer Center’s lean management system and iQueue for Infusion Centers’ data connected the organization’s objectives with the process improvements happening at the front line and ultimately benefited the patient.
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